Walter A, Emmenegger P. Who Counts? Non-Citizen Residents, Spatial Sorting, and Malapportionment, The British Journal of Political Science, forthcoming.
Leemann L, Emmenegger P, Walter A. Vox Populi. Popular Support for the Popular Initiative, American Political Science Review, online first. Journal
Emmenegger P, Thoma A, Walter A. Landholding Inequality, Social Control, and Mass Opposition to Suffrage Extension. British Journal of Political Science. 2024;54(2):437-455. Journal
Emmenegger P, Walter A. Partisan districting and the adoption of proportional representation: gerrymandering and its discontents. European Political Science Review. 2024;16(2):187-206. Journal
Walter A, Emmenegger P. Designing Electoral Districts for Proportional Representation Systems: How Electoral Geography and Partisan Politics Constrain Proportionality and Create Bias. The Journal of Politics 2023 85:3, 1123-1138. Journal
Walter, A., & Emmenegger, P. (2023). Ethnic Minorities, Interstate War, and Popular Support for Fiscal Capacity Development. Comparative Political Studies, 56(9), 1365-1397. Journal
Walter, A., & Emmenegger, P. (2022). Does war exposure increase support for state penetration? Evidence from a natural experiment. Journal of European Public Policy, 29(5), 652–669. Journal
Emmenegger, P., & Walter, A. (2022). International Trade, the Great War, and the Origins of Taxation: Sister Republics Parting Ways. Swiss Political Science Review, 28, 585–603. Journal
- Winner of the Fritz-Thyssen Foundation Prize (runner-up)
Walter A. The social origins of Christian democracy: rural–urban migration, interest group preemption, and the rise of the Catholic workers’ movement, Socio-Economic Review, Volume 20, Issue 2, April 2022, Pages 687–710. Journal
- Shortlisted for the 2023 SER Best Article Award
Emmenegger P, Leemann L, Walter A. Direct democracy, coalition size and public spending. Journal of Public Policy. 2022;42(2):224-246. Journal
Graz, J.-C., Sobrino Piazza, J. and Walter, A. (2022), Labour Standards in Global Production Networks: Assessing Transnational Private Regulation and Workers’ Capacity to Act. Development and Change, 53: 912-937. Journal
Walter A. Socialist Threat? Radical Party Entry, Electoral Alliances, and the Introduction of Proportional Representation. American Political Science Review. 2021;115(2):701-708. Journal
Emmenegger P, Walter A. Disproportional Threat: Redistricting as an Alternative to Proportional Representation. The Journal of Politics 2021 83:3, 917-933. Journal
Emmenegger, P., Leemann, L. and Walter, A. (2021), No direct taxation without new elite representation: Industrialization and the domestic politics of taxation. European Journal of Political Research, 60: 648-669. Journal
Emmenegger P, Walter A. The Father of All Things or Rather an Obsession? The Effect of War on the Politics of Taxation, In: Seelkopf, Laura and Lukas Hakelberg: Handbook on the Politics of Taxation, Edward Elgar Publishing, 32-46. DOI
Emmenegger P, Walter A. When dominant parties adopt proportional representation: the mysterious case of Belgium. European Political Science Review. 2019;11(4):433-450. Journal
Walter A. A Race to the Middle: The Politics of Interstate Cost Distribution and Welfare State Expansion. The Journal of Politics 2019 81:3, 952-967. Journal
* SASE Early Career Workshop Award 2017
Walter, A., & Emmenegger, P. Majority protection: The origins of distorted proportional representation. Electoral Studies, 59, 64-77. Journal
Walter, A. and Emmenegger, P. (2019), The Partisan Composition of Cantonal Governments in Switzerland, 1848-2017. A New Data Set. Swiss Political Science Review, 25: 1-18. Journal
Walter, A. (2019). Taking the initiative: Direct democracy, coalition governments and welfare state expansion. Journal of European Social Policy, 29(3), 446-459. Journal
Ziltener, P., Künzler, D., & Walter, A. (2017). Research Note: Measuring the Impacts of Colonialism: A New Data Set for the Countries of Africa and Asia. Journal of World-Systems Research, 23(1), 156–190. Journal
Emmenegger P, Schraff, D, Walter A. QCA, the Truth Table Analysis and Large-N Survey Data: The Benefits of Calibration and the Importance of Robustness Tests, COMPASSS WP Series, 2014-79. Working Paper
* Dirk Berg-Schlosser Award 2013